Over the years I've had the wonderful privilege and great responsibility to help shape and share the unique stories of some amazing businesses and their owners.
Some clients may simply need a Story Starter and we work one to two years together.
Others choose to have me design their ongoing stories as they grow and evolve through the years. One such story is that of my dear friend and client of nearly a decade...
"Joe Knows"
Joe Stanley, Stanley Law
Incredibly dedicated, tenacious, and yes even wise, Joe Stanley works tirelessly day in and day out to do the right thing.
Working with today's system of courts, juries, witnesses, can represent unique challenges to someone who's 'seen it all.'
The depth of despair that many clients are
literally pulled out of through Joe's and his
Team's dedicated help is not an exaggeration.
Often you'll find me shaking my head in amazement
at Joe's continued optimism and grit in the face of
unthinkable tragedies and numerous, daunting odds.
To know Joe is to admire him and be grateful.
It's good to know Joe because it gives you hope
that there are lawyers who care.
There are lawyers who take the time to understand.
There are lawyers who want to make a genuine difference
in this world.
There are lawyers who step up to the plate to stare death
and despair and unfairness and unjust acts straight in the face.
You will find Joe at the front of that line.
Prepared, armed, ready to win.
All day, everyday.
There's never any doubt in my mind
Joe is truly there for you.
Working with today's system of courts, juries, witnesses, can represent unique challenges to someone who's 'seen it all.'
The depth of despair that many clients are
literally pulled out of through Joe's and his
Team's dedicated help is not an exaggeration.
Often you'll find me shaking my head in amazement
at Joe's continued optimism and grit in the face of
unthinkable tragedies and numerous, daunting odds.
To know Joe is to admire him and be grateful.
It's good to know Joe because it gives you hope
that there are lawyers who care.
Joe Stanley, Stanley Law with Angela M |
There are lawyers who want to make a genuine difference
in this world.
There are lawyers who step up to the plate to stare death
and despair and unfairness and unjust acts straight in the face.
You will find Joe at the front of that line.
All day, everyday.
There's never any doubt in my mind
Joe is truly there for you.